How exactly are they "diggin for more ways to get your cash" unless you've been using cracked software?

BTW, PSP doesn't make any money on the ilok or the "Zero Downtime" fee. The other dongle makers don't even offer a service like "Zero Downtime." I wish they did.

I have Syncrosoft and Aladdin dongles that are falling apart - they're held together with tape, for cryin' out loud! The ilok is holding up much better, and I swap it out all the time.

If you want PSP to be in business long enough to keep innovating and offer support as hardware and OS changes take place, I suggest you consider giving them your continued support in this matter of protecting their income.

I ESPECIALLY support a company like PSP that isnt' charging obscene prices to begin with. My 2 cents, YMMV, and all that.
