it's beginning to be annoying to use the vst-wrapped version of easyverb in protools. it reverts to default settings every time i load a session (which would be understandable due to its wrapped nature), but it also reverts to default settins even when i save a session (!!!), so it's kind of unusable right now.

also, i think that the wrapped version eats too much cpu, so performance improvements would be nice.

when is it supposed to be ready? i remember it was supposed to be released almost a year ago.

anyway, it has a great sound. i especially like the arena algorithm. keep on improving it, the thing sounds very beautiful and i'd be very keen to have the RTAS version in use, the kind of release i could trust anytime and anywhere. with this wrapped one i always think it'll gonna crash anytime, plus, it slows the whole system down even if there would be plenty of cpu headroom.