PSP L'otary2 FAQ: Apple Logic Pro X

In Logic Pro X, L'otary2 needs to be placed as an "AU MIDI-controlled effect" in the Instrument slot on an Instrument type track, in order for it to be able to receive MIDI messages.

Otherwise, if it's placed in a regular FX slot, no MIDI messages from the host will come through to L'otary (it will work as a regular non-MIDI controllable plug-in).

Here's a short guide on how to control both a virtual instrument and L'otary2 via MIDI in Logic Pro X:

1. Create two new Software Instrument tracks (Track -> New Software Instrument Track).
2. Select the first one (Inst 1) and - in the Instrument slot - load a new instance of your selected software instrument (in this example "Vintage Clav").
3. Select the second instrument track (Inst 2) and load a new instance of L'otary in the Instrument slot (from the category AU MIDI-controlled Effects).
4. Now, re-route the output of your virtual instrument track from the Master Bus to a free bus (in my example Bus 3), as shown below:

5. Open the L'otary window by double-clicking the name of the plug-in on the second instrument track. From a drop-down list labeled "Side Chain" (at the top of the window), select the name of your chosen audio bus (in this example: Bus 3).

6. Please make sure to enable "Record" for both tracks before recording MIDI data.

You should now be able to use the MIDI Learn function available in L'otary as described in the General advice section while controlling the virtual instrument with a single MIDI controller (for example: a master keyboard).
Piotr Kryger