PSP L'otary2 FAQ: Apple MainStage 3

In MainStage, L'otary2 needs to be placed as an "AU MIDI-controlled effect" in the Instrument slot on an Instrument type track, in order for you to be able to control it via MIDI.

Otherwise, if it's placed in a regular FX slot, no MIDI messages from the host will come through to L'otary (it will work as a regular non-MIDI controllable plug-in).

Here's a short guide on how to control both a virtual instrument and L'otary2 via MIDI in MainStage 3:

1. Open an example layout called 'Tonewheel Organ' from 'Keyboards' (that's just an example used in this guide).
2. Create a new Instrument track (by clicking the plus sign next to 'Channel Strips', selecting 'Instrument' and clicking 'Create').
3. Select the recently created track and, in its Instrument slot, load a new instance of L'otary2 (from the category AU MIDI-controlled Effects->PSPaudioware).
4. Now, re-route the output of your virtual instrument track (in this example, 'Tonewheel Organ') to a new bus (by click-holding the output slot and selecting an unused bus).
5. Open the L'otary window by double-clicking the name of the plug-in on the second instrument track. From a drop-down list labeled "Side Chain" (at the top of the window), select the name of your chosen audio bus (in this example: Bus 7)

You should now be able to use the MIDI Learn function available in L'otary as described in the General advice section
Piotr Kryger