Okay so I'm trying to use the PSP Nitro to get a pluck sound.
I've set the first operater to a Moog LP.
No attack, 150 ms delay, and no sustain/release on the ADSR envelope.
In the mod matrix, I've set "Note on > ADSR Trig" and "ADSR > Op1 Freq". Both at +100.
I turn the cutoff down, and the sound plucks, but only on the first recieved midi note, and then continues to act like a filter thereafter.
Can anyone help me here? I'm running FL Studio 10.

EDIT: I've figured it out. Turns out that it was actually because I was sending out a continuous stream of MIDI through my VSTi, so the plugin thought it was one whole sound. Fixed by shortening each note by a TINY bit.

Edited by Xaurn (01/04/12 02:02 AM)