Dear PSP MasterComp user,

We are glad to inform that we have just released the downgrade of the non ilok version of PSP MasterComp to provide its compatibility with older Mac systems (Mac OSX 10.4.X) and hosts not supporting cocoa view. If you had any problems with using the newest non ilok version of the PSP MasterComp (v 1.7.x) on your system please download and install the new 1.6.5 version.
Functionally, both versions (1.6.5 and 1.7.1) are the same. Both versions include PSP MicroComp. All changes are software architecture-related only.
Download links to the new version with your authorization details you will find at your account at our registering center (subfolder in released current native versions).

DON'T downgrade to 1.6.5 if version 1.7.1 works ok on your system and in your hosts.
Upgrade to 1.6.5 if you were using old an ilok 1.5.4 version (new version includes new PSP MicroComp and a lot of bug fixes).

Warm regards from raining Warsaw

Antoni Ozynski