Serious problems in Cubase SX

Posted by: Anonymous

Serious problems in Cubase SX - 09/06/07 12:26 AM

I'm using VW2 plug version 2.1.4 in Cubase SX2. When I save the plug on a track and later go back into the project, there's an awful drilling sound in my monitors and sub after the project loads. This goes on until I disable the plug-in. The peak meter value on the track is 100! Then when I try to turn the VW back on there's a loud pop in the monitors.

I just started using this and this is really alarming. It happens every single time. For such a popular plug something has to be wrong. Can someone please offer some suggestions? Thanks.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Serious problems in Cubase SX - 09/07/07 12:13 AM

Anyone out there? Helloooooo!
Posted by: Mateusz Wozniak PSP

Re: Serious problems in Cubase SX - 09/08/07 09:26 AM

It looks like another bug referred to VW2, please use VW2LE instead (installed optionally with VW2.1.4 and appears to host as PSP VintageWarmer).
Thanks for reporting this issue.
